Dear Luna 2023
月之星圖 2023
Celebrate this Mid-Autumn Festival at the Lake House and share these special moments with family and friends whilst admiring the full moon. Cast a wish, join a paddle boat tour to explore the waters, and get up close to our 10-meter-high moon decoration for some festive photos.
今年中秋LAKE HOUSE 把星光串成了奇幻隧道, 帶你走進繁星湧動的宇宙世界! 跟摯愛在夜色中形成光的森林中穿梭, 在月兔陪伴的璀璨下共渡浪漫難忘的中秋之夜! 由9月21日起至10月2日,白鷺湖將化身成許願湖並添上十米巨型月亮裝飾, 讓你與摯愛將願望寫上水燈與天燈於月光下許願, 在歡聲笑語中共度團圓中秋節,一同創造幸福難忘回憶!
日期 Date : 21 Sep - 2 Oct 2023
時間 Time :6:30pm - 11:30pm ( 最後入場時間 Last Entry : 11:00pm )
活動收費 Admission Fee:
入場劵 Entry Pass: $50
套票 Package:
星之光影 Starlight: $90
(包括入場劵一張 + 許願水燈一盞) (Includes one entry pass + one wishing water lantern)
繁星之旅 Starry Journey: $150/成人/adult ,$120/小童/child (3歲至11歲) (3 to 11 years old)
(包括入場劵一張+ 賞月小船通行証一張) *(每節20分鐘) *
(Includes one entry pass + one moon-viewing boat pass) *(20 minutes per session) *
星之芒 Star Bright: $220/成人/adult ,$190/小童/child (3歲至11歲) (3 to 11 years old)
(包括入場劵一張 + 賞月小船通行証一張 + 許願水燈一盞)
(Includes one entry pass + one moon-viewing boat pass + one wishing water lantern)
*活動為寵物友善活動 (觀光遊覽船除外)
*Pet-friendly activities (except moon-viewing boat)
查詢電話 Inquiry: 9103 9467 (WhatsApp only)
交通 Transportation:
With limited parking space, visitors are advised to take the Lake House free shuttle bus service
(Travelling between Tai Po Market MTR Station and Lake House)
可乘坐Lake House提供的免費穿梭巴士 (來往大埔墟港鐵站及Lake House) Shuttle bus and more about our location 穿梭巴士位置: https://www.lake-house.co/access-us
* 9月29日至10月2日穿梭巴士特別安排(加強穿梭巴士服務)
29 September - 2 October Shuttle Bus Special Arrangement (Strengthen shuttle bus service)
泊車 Parking:
約50個車位,泊車優惠: 餐廳惠顧滿$300可免費2小時泊車,滿$500可免費3小時泊車,其後每小時$20,車位先到先得不設預留。
Around 50 parking spaces on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking discounts: 2 hours of free parking with spending $300 or more in the restaurant, 3 hours of free parking when spending $500 or more, and $20 per hour thereafter.

To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Le Vow invites you and your family to celebrate reunion and create unforgettable memories at Lake House.
Our chef has created a six-course festive dinner menu for you and your loved ones! Including a variety of exquisite delicacies, so that you can enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival with our lake view.
Available: 29 September - 1 October 2023