Bring your loved ones to Lake House for an unforgettable celebration experience. Enjoy our tailor-made festive dishes with the breathtaking lake view at Le Vow. From abalone with marinated jellyfish as a starter, to our signature Wagyu slices with hot and sour flavored soup, we're sure you and your family will have a wonderful dining experience.
今個中秋節,LAKE HOUSE 將為大家帶來別出心裁的慶祝活動。LE VOW 行政總廚精心設計了中秋特色節日菜單,讓您與家人在湖邊欣賞月色和湖景的同時,亦能品嚐到精緻的美味佳餚。冰鎮鮑魚拼海蜇作為開胃菜,以至招牌金湯和牛片,定能讓您與家人渡過一個難忘的晚上。
Le Vow Dinner Reservation 中秋晚市訂座: +852 6822 3098
Instagram 特別推廣活動 / Special Promotion Activities
Activity Period: 18 to 22 Sep 2021
Follow the steps below to participate the activity:
1) Turn your Instagram account into a public account
2) Follow @lakehouse.hk and @Flow_academy.co
3) Post any pictures you took at the Lake House and tag @lakehouse.hk and @Flow_academy.co on your Instagram Story or Instagram Feed
After completing the above 3 steps at our Flow Academy site, guests will receive a free wishing flower to participate our Wishing Lake Activity.
(Quota: 50 persons each day on a first come, first served basis)
活動日期: 9月18日至9月22日
1) 請將您的 Instagram 帳戶設定為公開帳戶
2) FOLLOW @lakehouse.hk & @Flow_academy.co
3) 發佈照片上 INSTAGRAM STORY / POST 並 TAG @lakehouse.hk & @flow_academy.co
Activity Enquiry Hotline / 活動查詢熱綫: +852 6762 5303 (Flow Academy)
We have turned our Lake into a wishing lake to celebrate this special occasion. Wishing flowers will be given as a gift after enjoying our Mid-Autumn Festival Menu at Le Vow! With a big moon installation at the background, make a wish and set your wishing flowers free on our lake. Create the most unique moment with your loved ones at this Mid-Autumn Festival!
白鷺•團圓 花燈許願祭
除了中秋特色節日菜單外,LAKE HOUSE 亦將配合大月亮燈飾,化成中秋節許願湖。在 LE VOW 品嘗節日菜單後,我們將送上許願花作為禮物,家人和朋友在許願過後就能將許願花放到湖上。今個中秋節,就與您的家人一起到 LAKE HOUSE 創造最獨一無二的回憶!

1. Wishing Lake Activity
Date: 11,12,18-22 Sep 2021
Time: 6pm to 10pm
Dining at Le Vow for the Mid-Autumn Festival Set Dinner Menu – each person will get 1 FREE wishing flower and 1 complementary Polaroid photo
With the same-day restaurant receipt from Billow/ Le Vow, or the same-day activity receipt from Flow Academy, guests can purchase 1 wishing flower and Polaroid photo package at a discounted price of $58
Standalone activity - $128 / 1 wishing flower and Polaroid photo package
Terms and Conditions
*This offer is valid from 11/9/2021-22/9/2021
*This offer is only applicable to the Mid-Autumn Festival Wishing Lake Activity
*Each receipt can only be redeemed for the discount offer once
*This offer cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other offers
*Please present the Billow/ Le Vow / Flow Academy receipt of the day before redeeming the discount

於Le Vow 享用中秋特色節日菜單的客人將每位送贈 1 朵許願花及紀念相片一張*
Billow /Le Vow/ Flow Academy 的客人憑即日消費單據可以以$58優惠價錢換購許願花及紀念相片一張*
只參加許願湖活動 - $128 / 1 朵許願花及紀念相片一張
*請於結帳前出示當日Billow/ Le Vow餐廳單據換取一次折扣優惠
*如有任何爭議,Lake House 保留最終決定權
Date: 11 - 22 Sep 2021
A large glowing moon will be placed at the Lawn throughout the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration period. Meanwhile, glowing rabbits will hop in and out in different corners of the Lawn at random times! Apart from taking photos with the glowing moon, don't forget to discover the traces of our rabbits!
Lake House 草地在整個中秋活動期間會添置大型的發光月亮,而發光兔子亦會不定時出現在草地不同的角落。除了和大型月亮合照外,不妨來發掘兔子的蹤影!

Big Moon Light Decoration
Remark: All outdoor activities listed above will be suspended or cancelled subject to rainfall and extreme weather conditions
Activity Enquiry Hotline / 活動查詢熱綫: +852 6762 5303 (Flow Academy)